Friday, April 08, 2011

Remedy for Disaster

When life is in disorder and the house in disarray,
When the world implodes around me,
I don a pair of blinders and play the day away.

I start with the computer and hit the Tetris link
and line up all the tetrads, neat as they can be,
When life is in disorder and the house in disarray.

Once that corner is in order, it's time for me to think,
to blog about gardening and food on land and sea.
I don a pair of blinders and play the day away.

Then, I skip into the garden, blind to dishes in the sink,
Playing in the dirt among the critters and the bees
When life is in disorder and the house in disarray.

When the day is nearly over, before I have a drink,
I play with form and words and rhyme: a - b - c.
I don a pair of blinders and play the day away.

At last it's time to yawn, I'm at exhaustion's brink.
To play all day is tough--I'm as tired as can be!
When life is in disorder and the house in disarray,
I don a pair of blinders and play the day away.

©2011 R.M. Talbot

Just a little levity for a Friday afternoon. I generally shy away from meter and rhyme, but I guess I felt playful today. This is a light-hearted villanelle inspired by a friend.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Fun poem! I can definitely relate!