Monday, May 02, 2011

Theme Day (a day late)

One of my favorite blogs--one I've followed for a couple of years now--is Paris Daily Photo. The blog is part of a network of blogs that feature photographers from all over the world who post photographs each day of life in their respective cities. The first of the month is always theme day, and the May 1 theme was mailboxes. While I think my mailbox is more picturesque than the one featured on PDP, I am late, and I didn't have time to use manual settings. I shot this on the way out the door to work, so I chose automatic focus; however, it didn't focus automatically, as my first picture would attest. But, it did take care of aperture and shutter speed for me as I was in a hurry out the door. I've always loved the look of vines adorning a mailbox, so I decided to take the challenge--one day late in America, two days late in Paris. Unfortunately, the iris have already bloomed, but the lovely Clematis is still performing!

Tomorrow is another early day to work, so I'm not sure that I'll use the manual settings, but I'm going to try very hard to have a picture posted. A photograph a day is much more manageable than a poem a day!

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